Yesterday, was full of lows. I felt more rejections than any other day and it also led me rejecting others.

Lately, I do find myself extraordinarily blessed, and to be in a streak of lows again is almost surprising.
Bothering, even. I hate to be in this state.
I mean, who does?

The unbothered queen became bothered.

My lows lately …

  1. The language barrier.
    I’m grateful to be part of a dance community here, but yesterday became painfully clear how much my lack of French limits me. We recently partnered up, and my dance partner barely looked at or spoke to me. I could sense her discomfort in being paired with someone she couldn’t connect with.
    Maybe I could’ve done more to break the ice. Either way, it’s a reminder that I need to double down on learning French. I won’t truly belong until I can speak their language.
  2. A missed connection.
    Someone I thought I was building a friendship with hasn’t reached out at all. I thought I was finally forming a real connection here.
  3. Loneliness.
    I miss having friends I can turn to when I’m feeling this way. It’s been harder than usual to shake that loneliness off.

These aren’t huge problems, but they’re reminders that growth often comes with discomfort. Rejections, struggles, and unmet expectations—they’ll pass.

Maybe, in the big picture, these lows are actually shaping me for something better.

Here’s to better tomorrows, my friend.


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